Nutrition and fertility how does it work

Nutrition and fertility how does it work

Causes of infertility

Nutrition and fertility are related. If you have some problems with infertility maybe you need to check what is the problem and try to solve it. Ovulation issues are the most common cause of infertility in women. Fertilization is impossible. When ovulation is absent no eggs will discharged from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. Menstrual periods that are irregular or missing are indicators that a woman is not ovulating properly. Ovulation may occur on occasion, but the quality of the eggs (oocytes) is insufficient to allow fertilization.

How much diet affects pregnancy

About nutrition and fertility diet how does it work

You can change eating habits with fertility diet. In order to promote optimal health and, as a result, enhance fertility. Three Harvard Medical School doctors created this diet. And published in their book “Fertility Diet.” Doctors created this diet based on the findings of a long-term research. Involving tens of thousands of women who were monitored for what they ate and how often they fell pregnant. This 8-year research of more than 18,000 women was the first comprehensive investigation of diet and fertility. According to Harvard Health Publishing. The result is a list of ten diet and activity recommendations. That appear to be linked to a woman’s capacity to conceive. Such as consuming a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins.

Nutrition and fertility

In recent years, medical research has begun to investigate impact of nutrition and food quality. In enhancing male and female fertility. Nutrition, on the other hand, has a vital role in enhancing fertility potential. Food choices can have a beneficial impact on reproductive health in a variety of ways.

Diet can affect fertility in both men and women, and thus conception and pregnancy. But as soon as you try to get pregnant, it is good to start paying attention to what you eat. Here are some practical tips to help you if you want to get pregnant and achieve optimal health during pregnancy.

Eat healthy

This means eating a varied diet and avoiding foods that are high in fat and sugar. If you want to get pregnant, a few months before you start eating healthy. That way your body is better prepare for the pregnancy. And at the same time the baby will have a better start.

It has been shown that being overweight or underweight can negatively affect the conception process.

If you are overweight, it is advisable to reduce the fat you eat. But at the same time it is good to start doing some physical activity. Exercise will not only help you lose weight. But also has a positive effect on the hormonal balance in the body. Do not undergo rigorous diets at all, because you will only achieve the opposite effect than expected. Women who are overweight can have a hormonal imbalance and thus fertility. Which can lead to difficulty conceiving. The key to a healthy diet is to consume the right amount of calories for your level of activity. Balancing the energy you take with the energy you spend. You need to incorporate in your diet.

If you eat or drink more than your body requires, you will gain weight. Energy you don’t use will stored as fat. If you eat and drink too little, you will lose weight. To ensure that you have a well-balanced diet and that your body receives all of the nutrients it need, you should eat a variety of meals.

nutrition and fertility
Eat healthy

Discard the alcohol

If you plan to start with healthy nutrition and fertility diet first of all you need to discard the alcohol. You do not know when you will get pregnant. It is better to be on the safe side than to let it hurt the baby. In the first three months of pregnancy is better to not drink alcohol.

It is recommended that you refrain from drinking alcohol for the remainder of your pregnancy. If you do, your kid will have a greater chance of developing a healthy brain. Some women have a hard time quitting drinking alcohol. If you’re having trouble quitting, go to your doctor or midwife.

Reduce caffeine

Although caffeine is not be shown to reduce the chances of conceiving. Take more than 200 milligrams / day is show to increase the chance of miscarriage and the birth of an overweight baby. In your preparation for pregnancy, you can try to reduce the amount of caffeine you consume daily.

Consider coffee-like substitutes. Herbal tea that is caffeine-free is a good choice. Use tastes like cinnamon, black cherry berry, pomegranate, or peach flower to spice things up. Another alternative is dandelion root coffee. Which is prepared from dried, chopped, and roasted dandelion roots and is without caffeine. All of these drinks have the richness of coffee yet none of them include caffeine.

Make healthy substitutions. Getting a caffeine boost from the Coke machine every afternoon? Instead, opt for a berry-flavored seltzer or a caffeine-free alternative like Sprite.

Make sure you get enough of water. Instead of coffee or a soda, drink 8 ounces of water first thing in the morning. It’s supposed to help you resist the urge to drink other, less nutritious beverages.

Stop smoking

You need a powerful, personal reason to stop smoking. Now you have it. No more powerful and personal reason than your baby. You have your motivation and try to complete your goal.

There is a lot of evidence that cigarettes have a detrimental effect on the health of the baby. In the womb, causing various disorders: low birth weight, premature birth, asthma in the baby, respiratory infections, allergies, increased risk of leukemia, etc. They also shown to reduce the chances of getting pregnant. Women who smoke on average need 2 months longer to get pregnant than women who do not smoke.

To ensure an optimal environment for your baby to develop and to allow time for nicotine to be expelled from your body. If you smoke, it is best to stop smoking before you become pregnant. It may seem like a big sacrifice, but keep in mind that you are doing it for your child’s health.

nutrition and fertility
Stop smoking

Start to take folic acid

FOLIC ACID is a B vitamin that aids in the development of the neural tube in the developing infant, as well as significant brain and spine disorders. Its lack relates to low birth weight and preterm birth as well. In folic acid supplements for pregnant women have the synthetic form. Cereals, spinach, beans, peas, peanuts, and oranges are all good sources of folic acid. Throughout 3 months before pregnancy and the first 3 months of pregnancy, you should take folic acid supplements containing 400 micrograms per day. 50-70 percent of neural tube damage in the embryo will be avoided when pregnant women is taking the proper quantity of folic acid.

The neural tube shuts by the 28th day of pregnancy. When the pregnant woman is unaware of her pregnancy. Avoiding congenital abnormalities to be effective in supplementing after the first month. One month before conception need to started with folic acid . And continued throughout the first 12 weeks of pregnancy for women planning to get pregnant.

Folic acid, on the other hand, has a much broader role. To prevent anemia body to produce proper red blood cells. It’s also necessary for the creation, repair, and normal functioning of DNA, our genetic blueprint. And the cell’s basic building component. It also has a significant impact on the bedding’s quick growth and development.

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