Benefits of Carrying – Do You Know the Importance for Your Baby?

Benefits of Carrying – Do You Know the Importance for Your Baby?

Benefits of carrying

Benefits of Carrying – The baby’s first home is its mother’s body. To provide stability once you leave the safest place in the world. The most natural option is physical attachment, direct contact. For this reason, within attachment parenting, we find the practice of carrying the baby with our own body. At eWorldTrade we want you to know the benefits of carrying on the physical and emotional development of children. So that you can choose the best system for you. You are going to love the options!

“Babies need to be held and protected during the first years of their life. If we carry out these functions with attachment, the bond with them will become closer and stronger”.

Baby Carriage – Benefits of Carrying

Carrying means carrying our baby loaded on our own body. This practice is common in the attachment parenting method. Since carrying our child close to the body is the best way to strengthen the emotional bond that unites us.

Despite not having been very common in recent decades in urban communities in the Western world. Porting is a practice that has been carried out throughout history, not only by humans but also by most mammals.

Modern society devised strollers and pushchairs several years ago to carry and transport babies safely but autonomously. Today, attachment parenting demands new systems that are just as safe and comfortable for carrying babies with the continuous physical contact they need.

For this reason, offers you several models of baby carriers, all comfortable and safe, both for your baby and for you. But first, let’s see what the benefits of porting are.

The main benefits of porting are the following:

  • Strengthens the bond: strengthens the feeling of security and attachment both in babies and in the parents who carry them. People who carry their children through this system quickly learn to recognize the baby’s signals, knowing more easily what they need.
  • Benefits of Carrying – Secure attachment enhances the physical and emotional development of the baby: direct contact with the carrier favors feelings of security, acceptance, comfort, protection … important pillars to become independent adults, with self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • It provides greater tranquility and reduces crying: physical contact and the feeling of security are the pillars for the baby to be much more relaxed. In addition, the moment you need something, the adult will be there, being able to respond more immediately.

Porting benefits

  • Improves sleep: being calmer and safer, the baby falls asleep more easily. In addition, the sound of the adult’s heart and body heat facilitate relaxation.
  • Improves the physical strength of the baby and the carrier: the child develops muscle tone more easily. In addition, the position in carrying contributes to the baby being more active and participatory. For their part, porters exercise their muscles gradually as the child grows.
  • Facilitates breastfeeding: by being in direct contact with the baby and the mother, carrying allows the feedings to be more continuous and prolonged. In addition, this contact promotes the activation of hormones that help in this process, such as oxytocin and prolactin.
  • The health of the baby is strengthened: its thermoregulation is balanced by being in contact with the body of the wearer, avoiding excessive energy expenditure. On the other hand, it controls reflux, regurgitation, digestion, gas, and colic thanks to the upright position.

As you can see, there are many, and very good, reasons to carry your baby. If you want to start doing it, let’s see what systems you can use.

Types of baby carriers – Benefits of Carrying

First of all, it is essential to know that it cannot be carried in any way. When you start using a baby carrier, you should know what position the child should be in and what position it should not be in, since misuse can cause injuries and problems for the baby, such as hip dysplasia.

To carry the baby in an ergonomic way we have to do it in a way that respects its natural posture and its physiognomy.

The natural posture of a baby is known as “frog posture “: curved spine, legs bent and open at an angle of ninety degrees. Raised knees, hips in an optimal position, sitting, not hanging over the genital area.

Carrying has to be with the baby facing the adult, close to the body of the carrier, and in an upright position.

It can be carried front, back, and hip. Although each of these options has its own indications depending on the age or development of the child.

When choosing a baby carrier, you will have to take several factors into account, such as the child’s stage of development, the specific use that we are going to give the baby carrier, the time that we are going to use it, etc. But the main point to keep in mind is that it is ergonomic.

The main shipping methods at your disposal are the following:

  • Baby Carrier
  • Baby slings
  • Elastic
  • Semi-lactic
  • Fabrics
  • Shoulder bags
  • Mei tails
  • Arm support
  • Pouch
  • Porting t-shirts

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