

About me

About me

I’m Natalija

I’m a mother of two little princesses. All the motivation for this blog I find in them. They are my whole world. Like every mother. As I told before my motivation for this blog I find in my little angels.

During the time when I was pregnant, after pregnancy and till now I’m a mother who wants to know everything about pregnancy, maternity and the baby.  Then I started to discover and I have become an “expert” mom who knows a lot. I read a lot of books and when I have some questions I always go to “Google”.

After my long journey I decided to make my blog and help other women all around the world. I know how hard it is and really want to help you. We have to support each other. I believe that every mom wants the best for their child and try to give the best.

No one can be a perfect mother but try to be a good one!

I’ve been playing football professionally when I was 17 years old. After a couple of years I stopped. That was really good experience for me. Than I was working on different places and I traveled a lot. My favorite destination is Oman. There I stayed for 9 months and I worked like a waitress. When I came back in my country soon I became a mother for a first, time that was in 2016 and in 2019 I became mother for a second time.

Second child is a proof that motherly love will not be divided, but doubled!

I like to:


-drink a lot of coffee;

-go for a walk;

-play with my children;

-enjoying writing;

-share experience with others;

I prefer more:

-mountain than beach;

-coffee than tea;

-read a book than watch the movie;

-night in, than night out;

-popcorn than chocolate;

-winter than summer;

I wanted to take control of my life, income and I wanted… FREEDOM!

That’s why I’m starting to work on it. And here I’m starting my blog and creating something what I love.

My motto is:

“The key to success is to start before you are ready.”