Baby from 1 to 36 months
10 Month old baby – All you need to know

10 Month old baby – All you need to know

Physical Development:

10 Month old baby

10 Month old baby – By this age, most babies are able to sit up without support and may be able to crawl or even pull themselves up to stand with the help of furniture. Some babies may also start cruising along furniture or taking a few steps while holding onto something for support.

Here are some key aspects of physical development you might observe:

Gross Motor Skills:

Many babies are able to sit without support at this age and can maintain a stable sitting position for longer periods. They may also start to transition from sitting to crawling or pulling themselves up to stand. Some babies might even take their first steps while holding onto furniture or with assistance.


Crawling is a major milestone for many babies around this age. Some babies might prefer to scoot on their bottoms or use a rolling motion to get around. Others might choose to crawl on all fours, using their hands and knees. Crawling helps them explore their environment and develop their coordination and strength.

Standing and Cruising – 10 Month old baby:

With improved balance and strength, your baby may begin pulling themselves up to stand while holding onto furniture, cribs, or other stable objects. This stage is often called “cruising” as they move along by holding onto supports and taking small steps sideways.

Fine Motor Skills:

Your baby’s fine motor skills are also developing rapidly. They can now use their thumb and fingers in a more coordinated manner, enabling them to pick up smaller objects. They may practice grasping and releasing toys, stacking blocks, or trying to fit objects into containers.

Hand-Eye Coordination – 10 Month old baby:

As their hand control improves, your baby will become better at coordinating their movements with their vision. They may reach for objects with accuracy and even attempt to throw or drop objects intentionally.

Motor Skills:

Your baby’s fine motor skills are improving rapidly. They can use their hands more skillfully to pick up small objects using their thumb and fingers (known as the pincer grasp). They might enjoy exploring objects by banging, shaking, and dropping them.

Motor skills encompass both gross motor skills, involving larger muscle groups for activities like crawling and walking, as well as fine motor skills, involving smaller muscle groups for tasks like picking up objects and manipulating toys. Here’s a breakdown of motor skills development at 10 months:

Gross Motor Skills – 10 Month old baby:

  1. Crawling: Many babies are proficient crawlers by 10 months. They may crawl on their hands and knees or use alternative methods like bottom shuffling or commando crawling.
  2. Pulling to Stand: Your baby might be able to pull themselves up to a standing position while holding onto furniture or other stable objects. This milestone is often followed by cruising along furniture.
  3. Standing with Support: With assistance, such as holding onto your hands, your baby may be able to stand briefly and put weight on their legs.

Fine Motor Skills:

  1. Pincer Grasp: Your baby’s pincer grasp is likely improving, allowing them to pick up smaller objects using their thumb and index finger. They might enjoy picking up food or small toys using this grip.
  2. Exploring Objects: Your baby will use their fine motor skills to explore objects by touching, shaking, banging, and dropping them. They are learning about cause and effect relationships through these actions.
  3. Object Manipulation: Your baby may start experimenting with how to manipulate objects, such as trying to fit one object into another or placing objects into containers. They may also enjoy stacking blocks or knocking down towers.

It’s important to provide your baby with safe and stimulating environments that encourage motor skills development. Offer age-appropriate toys and objects that allow them to practice their grasping, reaching, and exploring skills. Engage in interactive playtime, encouraging them to crawl, explore their surroundings, and practice standing with support.

Remember, each baby develops at their own pace, so there’s a wide range of what is considered typical. If you have concerns about your baby’s motor skills or if you notice significant delays or difficulties, consult with your pediatrician for a professional assessment.

Communication – 10 Month old baby:

Your baby is becoming more expressive and interactive. They may respond to their name, make babbling sounds, and imitate simple sounds or gestures. They may also understand simple commands or requests, such as “wave bye-bye” or “give me the toy.”

Here are some aspects of communication development you might observe:


Your baby’s babbling becomes more sophisticated and varied. They may produce a wider range of sounds and syllables, experimenting with different combinations. Some babies may even start to mimic the intonation patterns of adult speech.


Your baby will likely use gestures to communicate their needs and desires. They may point at objects they want, raise their arms to be picked up, or wave to say goodbye. Pay attention to their gestures and respond accordingly, reinforcing their attempts at communication.

Responding to their Name:

By 10 months, most babies recognize and respond to their name. They may turn their head or look in your direction when you call their name, indicating an understanding of their own identity.

Mimicking Sounds – 10 Month old baby:

Your baby may imitate simple sounds or gestures they observe in their environment. They might repeat a word you say or copy gestures like clapping or blowing kisses. Encourage their attempts at imitation and respond positively to foster their language development.

Understanding Simple Commands:

Your baby is likely beginning to comprehend simple commands or requests. They may understand when you talking like “Give me the toy” or “Wave bye-bye.” Use clear and simple language when communicating with them to facilitate their understanding.

Joint Attention:

Your baby is developing the ability to engage in joint attention, meaning they can focus their attention on an object or activity that you’re both interested in. They may follow your gaze or point to share their attention with you, building a foundation for shared communication.

Social Engagement – 10 Month old baby:

Babies at this age become more socially interactive. They may smile, laugh, or make joyful sounds in response to interactions with familiar people. They may also show signs of separation anxiety when separated from their primary caregivers.


By 10 months, many babies have transitioned to solid foods and are exploring a variety of flavors and textures. They may be eating mashed or soft foods, and some may be starting to feed themselves with their fingers. Breast milk or formula still provides an essential part of their nutrition.

Feeding at 10 months old is an exciting stage as your baby continues to explore a variety of foods and develop their self-feeding skills. Here are some details about feeding at this age:

Breast Milk or Formula – 10 Month old baby:

Breast milk or formula still plays a crucial role in your baby’s nutrition. It remains an important source of nutrients and should be the primary source of nutrition until the age of 1. Continue to offer breast milk or formula as recommended by your pediatrician.

Solid Foods:

By 10 months, your baby is likely consuming a wide range of solid foods alongside breast milk or formula. They may be enjoying a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein sources.

Texture and Consistency:

As your baby’s chewing and swallowing skills develop, you can gradually introduce more textured and chunkier foods. Soft finger foods like small pieces of cooked vegetables, soft fruits, and well-cooked pasta can be offered to encourage self-feeding and fine motor skills.

10 month old baby


At this stage, your baby may start showing more interest in self-feeding. Offer appropriate finger foods that are easy to pick up, such as small, soft pieces of food or appropriately sized soft snacks. Encourage them to use their fingers to explore and feed themselves, promoting independence and fine motor development.

Introducing a Cup:

Around 10 months, you can begin introducing a Sippy cup or a training cup for water. Offer water with meals and throughout the day to help your baby stay hydrated. Gradually transition from bottle to cup over time.

Food Allergies – 10 Month old baby:

Be mindful of any potential food allergies. Introduce new foods one at a time, waiting a few days before introducing another new food. This allows you to monitor for any adverse reactions or allergies.

Mealtime Environment:

Create a positive and relaxed mealtime environment. Sit together as a family during meals and provide a variety of nutritious foods. Allow your baby to explore and experiment with different tastes, textures, and flavors.


Babies at this age typically sleep for around 11-12 hours at night, with 2-3 naps during the day. However, sleep patterns can vary, and some babies may sleep more or less than this.

At 10 months old, your baby’s sleep patterns continue to evolve. Here are some details about sleep at this age:

Nighttime Sleep – 10 Month old baby:

Most 10-month-old babies sleep for an average of 11-12 hours at night. They may have consolidated their sleep into longer stretches, with fewer nighttime awakenings. However, some babies may still wake up once or twice during the night for feeding or comfort.


Your baby will likely continue to take 2-3 naps during the day. The length of each nap may vary, but they usually total 2-3 hours of daytime sleep. Also naps may be shorter as your baby becomes more active and engaged with their surroundings.

Nap Schedule:

By this age, many babies have transitioned to a more predictable nap schedule. Also they may have a morning nap, an afternoon nap, and possibly a short catnap in the late afternoon. However, individual sleep needs and schedules can vary.

Bedtime Routine:

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. A bedtime routine may include activities such as a warm bath, reading a book, singing a lullaby, or gentle rocking. So consistency and soothing activities can help create a calming environment for sleep.

Sleep Associations – 10 Month old baby:

Babies at this age may develop sleep associations, which are specific conditions or objects they associate with falling asleep. Common sleep associations include being rocked or nursed to sleep. If your baby relies on specific associations to fall asleep, they may need those same conditions when they wake up during the night. Gradually introducing independent sleep skills can help promote more self-soothing and independent sleep.

Sleep Regression:

Some babies experience sleep regressions around this age, which can temporarily disrupt their sleep patterns. It may be due to developmental leaps, separation anxiety, or teething. During sleep regressions, your baby’s sleep may become more disrupted, and they may have more difficulty settling down for naps or bedtime. It’s important to be patient and provide comfort during this phase.

Safe Sleep Environment:

Ensure your baby’s sleep environment is safe. Place them on their back to sleep, use a firm mattress, and keep pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals out of the crib to reduce the risk of suffocation. The room should be comfortably cool and quiet, with dim lighting.

Cognitive Development:

Your baby’s cognitive skills are developing rapidly. They may be curious about their surroundings, showing interest in objects and exploring them further. They might enjoy games like peek-a-boo and simple interactive toys that encourage problem-solving and cause-and-effect relationships.

Cognitive development refers to the growth and progress of a baby’s thinking, understanding, and problem-solving abilities. Here are some key points about cognitive development in a 10-month-old baby:

Object Permanence:

At around 10 months, babies typically begin to develop a sense of object permanence. They understand that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight. For example, if you hide a toy under a blanket, they may actively search for it or pull the blanket to uncover it.

Cause and Effect – 10 Month old baby:

Your baby is becoming more aware of cause-and-effect relationships. They enjoy exploring how their actions can produce specific outcomes. For instance, they might drop a toy to see it fall or bang objects together to hear a sound. They are learning that their actions can have predictable consequences.


Your baby’s problem-solving skills are improving. They may engage in simple problem-solving activities, such as figuring out how to fit objects into containers or how to manipulate toys to achieve a desired outcome. They might experiment with trial and error to discover solutions.

Memory and Recognition:

Babies at this age are developing memory skills. They may recognize familiar faces, objects, or routines. They may also remember and imitate actions or sounds that they observed earlier.

Exploratory Play:

Your baby’s playtime becomes more purposeful and exploratory. Also they are interested in examining and manipulating objects, observing their properties, and discovering what they can do with them. Provide a variety of safe and age-appropriate toys to support their curiosity and learning.

Attention and Focus:

Your baby’s attention span is increasing, and they can concentrate on activities for longer periods. They may show interest in books, interactive toys, and activities that capture their attention. However, they may still have brief attention shifts due to their natural curiosity about their surroundings.

Social Interaction:

Cognitive development is also intertwined with social interaction. Your baby is becoming more socially aware and engaged. So they may respond to their name, recognize familiar faces, and show interest in interacting with others. In addition they may imitate facial expressions, gestures, and sounds they observe.

Social and Emotional Development – 10 Month old baby:

Babies at this age are starting to develop strong emotional bonds with their primary caregivers. They may show separation anxiety when separated from familiar faces and seek comfort from their parents or caregivers. They are also learning to understand and respond to different emotions, both in themselves and in others.

Social and emotional development in a 10-month-old baby involves their ability to form relationships, express and understand emotions, and engage in social interactions. Here are some important aspects of social and emotional development at this age:


By 10 months, babies have usually formed strong attachments to their primary caregivers. So they show a preference for familiar faces and seek comfort, security, and reassurance from their caregivers. Separation anxiety may become more evident as they become more aware of being apart from their loved ones.

Social Interactions:

Your baby is becoming more social and interactive. Also they may initiate interactions by smiling, laughing, and babbling. Also they enjoy engaging in back-and-forth exchanges, such as imitating sounds or gestures. They may respond to your cues and attempts to communicate, fostering a sense of connection.

Empathy and Understanding Emotions – 10 Month old baby:

While still in the early stages of emotional development, your baby may start showing signs of empathy. They may exhibit concern or distress when they see others in emotional distress. So they might imitate facial expressions or vocalizations to convey understanding or connection.

Play and Imitation:

Play becomes more interactive and sociable. Also your baby may engage in simple games like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake. They may imitate actions, sounds, and expressions they observe from others, further developing their social and cognitive skills.

Self-Expression – 10 Month old baby:

Your baby is learning to express their own emotions and needs. They may use sounds, gestures, and facial expressions to communicate their feelings, desires, and discomfort. But they may use pointing or reaching to indicate their interests or preferences.

Stranger Anxiety:

Around 10 months, many babies become more wary of unfamiliar people. They may show signs of stranger anxiety, such as becoming clingy, crying, or being hesitant when faced with unfamiliar individuals. This is a normal part of their development as they become more selective about who they feel comfortable with.

Social Awareness:

Your baby is developing an awareness of their social environment. Also they may show interest in observing other children or people around them. But they might enjoy watching interactions and imitating social behaviors they observe.

Encourage your baby’s social and emotional development by providing a nurturing and responsive environment. So respond to their emotional cues, engage in interactive play, and provide opportunities for social interactions with trusted individuals. Also show empathy, love, and patience to foster their emotional well-being. In addition if you have any concerns about your baby’s social or emotional development, consult with your pediatrician for guidance and support.

Conclusion – 10 Month old baby

In conclusion, the social and emotional development of a 10-month-old baby is characterized by significant milestones and emerging abilities. So they form strong attachments to their caregivers and seek comfort and security. But through social interactions, they initiate and respond to interactions, showing signs of empathy and understanding of emotions. Play becomes more interactive, and they imitate actions and expressions observed from others. Self-expression through gestures, sounds, and facial expressions becomes more pronounced. However, it is important to note that stranger anxiety may also emerge at this stage. Also by creating a nurturing environment, responding to their emotional cues, and providing opportunities for social interactions, parents can support their baby’s social and emotional growth.

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