Fetal complete development by week – Baby – Extra 40 Weeks
Fetal complete development by week during the pregnancy
Fetal complete development by week during the pregnancy – The first day of the last menstrual cycle marks the start of pregnancy. The term use for this is “menstrual age,” and it happens two weeks before pregnancy. Trimesters, or trimester periods, refer to the developmental phases of pregnancy, particularly the changes that occur at each stage. Examine the uterus to track the baby’s progress from week to week.
First trimester
- First month -Fetal complete development by week
- 1 to 4 Week by week in the first month – Fetal complete development by week
- First week
- Second week
- Third week
- Fourth week – Fetal complete development by week
- Second month – Fetal complete development by week
- 5 to 8 Week by week in the second month – Fetal complete development by week
- Fifth week
- Sixth week
- Seventh week
- Eighth week – Fetal complete development by week
- Third month – Fetal complete development by week
- 9 to 13 Week by week in third month – Fetal complete development by week
- Ninth week
- Tenth week
- Eleventh week
- Twelfth week
- Thirteenth week – Fetal complete development by week
Second trimester
- Fourth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 14 to 17 Week by week in fourth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Fourteenth week
- Fifteenth week
- Sixteenth week
- Seventeenth week – Fetal complete development by week
- Fifth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 18 to 21 Week by week in fifth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Eighteenth week
- Nineteenth week
- Twentieth week
- Twenty-one weeks – Fetal complete development by week
- Sixth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 22 to 26 Week by week in sixth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Twenty-two weeks
- Twenty-three weeks
- Twenty-four weeks
- Twenty-five weeks
- Twenty-six weeks – Fetal complete development by week
Third trimester
- Seventh month – Fetal complete development by week
- 27 to 30 Week by week in seventh month – Fetal complete development by week
- Twenty-seven weeks
- Twenty-eight weeks
- Twenty-nine weeks
- Thirty weeks – Fetal complete development by week
- Eightieth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 31 to 35 Week by week in eightieth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Thirty-one weeks
- Thirty-two weeks
- Thirty-three weeks
- Thirty-four weeks
- Thirty-five weeks – Fetal complete development by week
- Ninth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 36 to 40 Week by week in ninth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Thirty-six weeks
- Thirty-seven weeks
- Thirty-eight weeks
- Thirty-nine weeks
- Forty weeks – Fetal complete development by week
Extra amazing things
- Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the first trimester of pregnancy
- 1 – Although it may appear unusual, you are not pregnant during the first two weeks of your pregnancy
- 2- Fertilization and implantation timeframes
- 3- The embryonic stage starts
- 4 – The embryo becomes a fetus for the first time
- 5 – The profile of your baby’s face is already taking shape
- Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the second trimester of pregnancy
- 1- The brain cells of a fetus develop quickly
- 2 – A headset can also be used to hear the fetus’ heartbeat
- 3 – Urinary retention is caused by hormonal changes
- 4 – The baby’s eyelids have matured to the point where he can open his eyes
- 5 – Gum disease and breathing issues
- Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the third trimester of pregnancy
- 1 – It becomes more bigger
- 2 – Breathe slowly and deeply
- 3 – He blinks and opens his eyes
- 4 – Tastes things and urinates
- 5 – He enjoys your voice and listens to it

First month – Fetal complete development by week
A thin temporal sac forms around the fertilized egg as it matures, gradually filling with fluid. The amniotic sac is a protective sac that surrounds the growing and developing embryo. The placenta grows as well. The placenta is a flat, circular organ that transports nutrients from the mother to the baby while also transporting waste from the newborn.
With big black eye circles, the primitive face will take shape. The mouth, lower jaw, and throat all grow in size. Circulation will begin as blood cells develop. By the end of the fourth week, the tiny “heart” tube will be beating 65 times per minute. Your kid will be around 5 mm long by the end of the first month, which is smaller than a grain of rice!
1 to 4 Week by week in the first month – Fetal complete development by week
First week
Conception has not yet occurred since the egg and sperm have not yet joined. More follicles grow in your ovaries, one of which becomes dominant. And the egg is discharged. Which is expected by the end of next week.
Second week
Your child will conceive very soon. The sperm-egg fusion should happen by the end of this week.
Third week
The miracle of life begins when the mother’s egg meets the father’s sperm in the woman’s fallopian tubes. The baby’s conception is create once they combine zygote. The cells start to divide rapidly; as soon as the zygote has formed. And the zygote’s journey to the uterus starts. The zygote has already transformed into a blastocyst by the time it enters the uterus. It circulates throughout the uterus for many days, looking for a suitable location to nest. Your blast nest is already an embryo. Your baby’s diameter is 0.1-0.2 mm this week. Gender, as well as all other genetic characteristics; are already decided, despite their small size. The color of his eyes, hair, and everything else you’re looking forward to see; are already known. Teens shoplifting – Why is important to know?
Forth week – Fetal complete development by week
The blastocyst seeks for a favorable site to settle once it enters the uterus. When start discovered, is starting dug up and separated into two sections. One portion will become the placenta, and the other will become your baby. The so-called human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, or HCG; which is typical of pregnancy, is released as soon as the baby is implanted. The concentrations of this hormone begin to rise rapidly. On the basis of its existence, home tests for early pregnancy are performed.
Second month – Fetal complete development by week
The characteristics of your baby’s face continue to change. Each ear begins as a tiny overlap of skin on the head’s side. Small buds appear, which will ultimately develop into arms and legs. Fingers and eyes develop as well. The neural tube (brain, spinal cord, and other nerve tissue of the central nervous system) is fully developed. The digestive system and sensory organs start to form. Cartilage gradually being replace by bone. The baby’s head is disproportionately big in comparison to the rest of his body. Your baby is around 2.6 cm long and weighs about 2 grams by the end of the second month.
5 to 8 Week by week in the second month – Fetal complete development by week
Fifth week
The heart and circulatory system are quickly developing at this time of pregnancy. Although it is too soon to hear an echo, your baby’s heart is already beating. This week’s typical baby size is 1.5-2.5 mm in length. An ultrasound examination with a vaginal probe can (but does not have to) show the gestational sac in most situations.
Sixth week
This week has seen a lot of progress. Even though it is still faint enough to be heard, your baby’s heart beat is well-developed and steady. Eyes, mouths, and ears are already forming as a result of intensive cell division.
Buds emerge, from which the arms and legs will sprout. Although hormone production will take control after the 12th week, the placenta is already beginning to grow. On ultrasound, the gestational bag is already evident. A baby’s average size is 2-4 mm.
Seventh week
Your baby’s brain develops rapidly throughout this week. In one minute, hundreds of new brain cells are produced. The features of the face become more distinct. The development of the eyes, mouth, and ears proceed, and the creation of the nostrils begins.
The arms and legs continue to grow. However, they are not fully developed and resemble growths at this time. On ultrasound, the umbilical cord can be seen, and a vaginal echo can be used to hear the heart. At this point, your baby is around 7-9 mm long.
Eighth week – Fetal complete development by week
The sex glands in your baby’s testicles or ovaries will mature this week. Bones grow rapidly, and the process of stiffening begins. The elbows, as well as the tips of the fingers and toes, grow.
The infant is the first to make spontaneous movements. The eyelids develop, the teeth under the gums appear, and the tip of the nose appears as the face begins to take shape. The heart is divided into four chambers. And beats at a pace of 150 beats per minute. By the conclusion of this week, the baby should be around 8-11 mm long and weigh about 1 gram.
Third month – Fetal complete development by week
The hands, feet, and toes of your baby are fully developed. Your infant can make fists and open and close his mouth. The development of fingernails and toenails begins, as well as the formation of the outer ears. The teeth’s beginnings are created. Your baby’s reproductive organs are also growing, but ultrasonography can’t tell you if he or she is male or female. Your kid will be fully developed by the end of the third month. All of the organs and limbs are present, and they will continue to develop until they are fully functional. The circulatory and urinary systems are operational. And bile is produced by the liver.
Your baby is around 8 cm long and weighs about 20 g at the end of the third month. After three months, your odds of having a miscarriage reduce considerably since your baby’s most essential growth has occurred.
9 to 13 Week by week in the third month – Fetal complete development by week
Ninth week
Although they are shorter, the fingers and toes may already be seen. During an ultrasound scan, you may already be able to hear your heart. Don’t worry if you don’t hear it right now; it may arrive in a few weeks. The gallbladder and pancreas appear.
The lungs also start to grow. Hair follicles are already forming, but the infant will most likely be born hairless. External genitals will show this week as well. But the gender of the baby will not be known for several weeks. Your baby makes spontaneous movements now and again, but you aren’t aware of them. This week’s typical length and weight of the baby is 17-22 mm and 2 grams. The head receives half of its length.
Tenth week
Elbows, knees, shoulders, ankles, palms, feet, and toes are among the joints that have already developed. Even though you can’t feel anything, your kid is already swimming in the womb. Your kid has already lost his tail (which is actually spinal cord damage). His outer ears are fully formed, and his eyelids are no longer translucent this week.
Every minute, 25,000 new neurons are formed in the baby’s brain this week. All of the organs are present. Albeit they are not fully developed. The average length and weight are 27-35 mm and 4 grams, respectively.
Eleventh week
The most crucial stage in your baby’s growth has passed. This implies that all of the body’s essential organs have developed and are working properly. The chance of newborn abnormalities as a result of external factors become lowered. Your infant is about to enter a time of rapid growth.
The placenta will begin to function around the end of this week or early next week. The infant already has nails on his hands and feet. Despite the fact that the genitals are completely grown, you will not be able to determine the gender for some weeks. You can see him moving his arms and legs on the ultrasound, but you can’t feel it. It is around 5.5 centimeters in length and weighs approximately 10 grams.
Twelfth week
The organs of the newborn continue to grow. Urine production begins in the kidneys. The infant is totally submerged in the liquid, there is no need to be concerned about his breathing. Your infant gets oxygen directly into the bloodstream through the placenta.
Even though his intestines are well grown. Some of them are outside the abdominal cavity, in the umbilical cord. Hair and nails develop throughout time. Your baby is now around 7.5 cm in length and weighs approximately 20 grams.
Thirteenth week – Fetal complete development by week
This week is jam-packed with activity. The pancreas of your kid began producing insulin as well. The intestines are drawn into the abdominal cavity from the umbilical cord. Your child has a baby-like appearance and demeanor. This week, she may begin sucking her thumb. You might be able to see it on ultrasound if you’re lucky. Your baby is around 8.5 cm tall and weighs around 30 grams on average this week.
Related – First trimester – Excellent Tips – All You Need To Know – Week-By-Week
Second trimester
- Fourth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 14 to 17 Week by week in fourth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Fourteenth week
- Fifteenth week
- Sixteenth week
- Seventeenth week – Fetal complete development by week
- Fifth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 18 to 21 Week by week in fifth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Eighteenth week
- Nineteenth week
- Twentieth week
- Twenty-one weeks – Fetal complete development by week
- Sixth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 22 to 26 Week by week in sixth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Twenty-two weeks
- Twenty-three weeks
- Twenty-four weeks
- Twenty-five weeks
- Twenty-six weeks – Fetal complete development by week

Fourth month – Fetal complete development by week
An tool known as a Doppler may now be used to listen to your baby’s heartbeat. The toes and fingers are well delineated. Eyelids, brows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are all produced during this process. Teeth and bones thicken with age. Sucking his thumb, yawning, stretching, and making faces are all possibilities for your kid. The nervous system starts to work. Your doctor may use an ultrasound to determine whether you will have a boy or a girl. Because your reproductive organs and genitals are now completely formed. Your baby is around 18 cm long and weighs about 80 g by the end of the fourth month.
14 to 17 Week by week in the fourth month – Fetal complete development by week
Fourteenth week
Your baby’s fingerprints have already been left on him this week. His motions are becoming more regulated and are no longer uncontrollable. The infant can already clinch and release a fist, bend the elbows, and so on, despite the fact that the motions are still reflex. The infant is 10-12 cm long and weighs 45 grams on average.
Fifteenth week
Your baby’s skin is becoming incredibly thin and translucent. The blood arteries through it would be visible if you could see it. The bones get stronger and stronger over time. His body is covered with fine hairs, which will continue to be the case until the 26th week. This week, his brows and eyelashes also appear. Your kid may sense the light even if his or her eyelids are still closed.
Swallowing the amniotic fluid that surrounds it might make the baby cry even worse. You may hear the infant screaming from time to time. The lungs are continuously growing, and motions are already visible in them, assisting him in breathing. The baby’s average length and weight this week are around 12 cm and 65 grams, respectively.
Sixteenth week
Although it is still extremely early; the gender of the baby can sometimes be detected on ultrasound at this stage. Your baby’s bladder now empties every 40-45 minutes. The motions are becoming more frequent and well-coordinated. The legs already outnumber the arms. Your baby’s face is covered in a variety of grimaces. The skin is still translucent. And veins can be seen. The average length and weight are 14-16 cm and 85-110 grams, respectively.
Seventeenth week – Fetal complete development by week
Your baby is beginning to accumulate fat beneath the skin. Adipose tissue will make up 2-6 percent of a woman’s entire weight at the conclusion of the pregnancy. When he is born, he will be able to maintain his body temperature as a result of this. At this age, the baby’s reflexes are fully developed. It can swallow, blink, and suck a finger with ease.
Surprisingly, your infant is already capable of hearing. It is used to hearing your voice. Also heart, and bloodstream. He hear voices in the area, listen to music, and be bothered by greater sounds. A baby’s typical length is 16 cm, and his or her normal weight is 135-140 grams.
Fifth month – Fetal complete development by week
You can feel your baby move as it grows and strengthens its muscles. Acceleration is the term for the initial movement. On the baby’s head, hair begins to develop. Soft fine hair called lanugo covers your baby’s shoulders, back, and temples. This hair serves to safeguard your newborn and is typically shed by the end of the first week of life. A white coating called vermin cases covers the baby’s skin. This “adorable” material is considered to protect the baby’s epidermis from amniotic fluid exposure. Just before birth, this layer is eliminated.
18 to 21 Week by week in the fourth month – Fetal complete development by week
Eighteenth week
The development of the baby’s senses of sight, hearing, taste, and smell continues.
The nervous system is getting increasingly sophisticated. Your baby’s taste buds are already fully formed. A bitter and mild solution was given to the amniotic fluid; as part of the test. The infant stopped swallowing when a bitter solution was administered. It began to swallow twice. As rapidly once a moderate solution was introduced. When exposed to bright light, it may be seen shielding its eyes; by placing its hands in front of them. For him, too much stimulation is unpleasant.
Because of the still-comfortable position, your baby will frequently flip over at this time. A baby’s usual length is 17.5-20 cm, and his or her normal weight is 170-190 grams.
Nineteenth week
Under the deciduous teeth, permanent teeth start to develop. Your kid is covered in white vermin cheese substance. Which protects his skin from the watery environment, in addition to the delicate hairs that cover his complete body. This week, the kidneys begin to work properly. If you’re carrying a girl, her ovaries have rudimentary eggs already. A baby’s typical length and weight are around 20 cm and 200-225 grams, respectively.
Twentieth week
The sleep and waking patterns of your kid are similar to those of a newborn. It has a preferred sleeping posture as well. The testicles begin to descend to the scrotum if your baby is a male. If it’s a girl, the uterus is fully grown. And the rest of the body is only beginning to develop. The lungs, like the chest muscles, continue to grow. As a consequence, when your kid is out in the world, he or she will be able to breathe easily.
When the baby hears a loud noise, the ultrasound might reveal how he covers his ears with his hands. To shield himself from loud noises, he can even bounce and hide his head in his tummy. A baby’s usual length is 20-25 cm, and his or her normal weight is 250-280 grams.
Twenty-one weeks – Fetal complete development by week
In the amniotic fluid that surrounds him, your baby can still move about freely. It will turn upside down at the conclusion of this quarter. It is possible for a baby to roll over as early as the third trimester. Approximately 3-4 percent of infants do not hold this position; until they are delivered.
The heart gets stronger. And may be heard with a standard stethoscope. Erythrocytes were previously generated in the liver and spleen. But they are now beginning to develop in the bone marrow.
Your kid has already eaten amniotic fluid, but now that his intestines are growing, he may be able to absorb some of the carbohydrates in it. You’ll be able to feel the baby’s hiccups as well. Because the tiny lungs are preparing for future breathing, this is the case. A baby’s typical length is 26 cm, and his or her average weight is 360 grams.
Sixth month – Fetal complete development by week
Your baby’s skin is reddish and wrinkled. And veins may be seen through the translucent skin. Fingerprints of the infant may be seen. The eyes open when the eyelids begin to separate. When a baby hears anything, he or she will move or increase their pulse. If the infant yawns, you may observe erratic movements. If your baby is born early, he or she can survive with special care after 23 weeks.
22 to 26 Week by week in the sixth month – Fetal complete development by week
Twenty-two weeks
Your baby is well developed, even if he is still pretty little. It’s got eyebrows this week, too. Internal organs are still developing and preparing for life outside of the womb. The brain is rapidly developing at this period. A baby’s typical length and weight are around 28 cm and 425 grams, respectively.
Twenty-three weeks
Although his head is even larger than when he was born, his body appears to be more proportional. His skin is no longer as translucent as it once was. The nails have almost finished growing. The hairs on his body begin to darker. Now is fully surrounded by a cheesy white substance that protects it from amniotic fluid. This material will degrade before birth, but enough will remain to help with lubrication throughout labor. A baby’s typical length is 29 cm, and his or her average weight is 500 grams.
Twenty-four weeks
Your baby’s hearing has reached its full potential. It becomes used to hearing sounds from the outside world. It’s audible at a higher volume. The baby is almost ready to be born. His body starts making white blood cells. When he is born, they will help him battle illnesses and infections. A baby’s typical length is 30 cm, and his or her average weight is 600 grams.
Twenty-five weeks
The spine of your baby is developing. It has 33 vertebrae, 150 joints, and about 1000 ligaments. The smallest blood vessels and capillaries develop, giving the baby’s skin a pink glow. The blood arteries in the lungs begin to develop this week. The average length and weight of the infant are 34.6 cm and 660 grams, respectively.
Twenty-six weeks – Fetal complete development by week
The baby’s bones are continuing to strengthen. Air bubbles, or alveoli, begin to form as the lungs grow. Your kid will be able to breathe as a result of this. The evolution of brain activity is also ongoing. The baby’s eyes are completely formed this week. Hearing improves as well. It will now also be able to identify the father’s voice. According to tests, the newborn infant recognizes familiar sounds right away. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 35.6 cm and 760 grams, respectively.
Related – Second trimester – Excellent Tips – All You Need To Know – Week-By-Week
Third trimester
- Seventh month – Fetal complete development by week
- 27 to 30 Week by week in seventh month – Fetal complete development by week
- Twenty-seven weeks
- Twenty-eight weeks
- Twenty-nine weeks
- Thirty weeks – Fetal complete development by week
- Eightieth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 31 to 35 Week by week in eightieth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Thirty-one weeks
- Thirty-two weeks
- Thirty-three weeks
- Thirty-four weeks
- Thirty-five weeks – Fetal complete development by week
- Ninth month – Fetal complete development by week
- 36 to 40 Week by week in ninth month – Fetal complete development by week
- Thirty-six weeks
- Thirty-seven weeks
- Thirty-eight weeks
- Thirty-nine weeks
- Forty weeks – Fetal complete development by week

Seventh month – Fetal complete development by week
Your baby will continue to grow and acquire body fat stores. Your baby’s hearing has reached its full potential. He or she often shifts positions and reacts to stimuli such as sound, pain, and light. The amount of amniotic fluid in the womb starts to decrease. If your baby is born early, he or she will most likely live until the seventh month.
27 to 30 Week by week in the seventh month – Fetal complete development by week
Twenty-seven weeks
The brain continues to expand rapidly. The immune system and lungs are still growing. If the kid is born prematurely at this point, it has an 85% chance of survival. This is feasible because the lungs have matured to the point where they can breathe with medical assistance. The testicles of a baby boy have already been entirely descended into the scrotum. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 36.6 cm and 875 grams, respectively.
Twenty-eight weeks
The baby’s eyes are partly open, and it may be blinking already. The real color of his eyes will not be established until 9 months after birth, despite the fact that they are already tinted. His body fat percentage is between 2 and 3 percent. It’s possible that your child is already dreaming. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 37.6 cm and 1000 grams, respectively.
Twenty-nine weeks
Your child is fast preparing for the day when he will enter the world. The generation of red blood cells has now been fully taken over by the bone marrow. The volume of urine excreted daily in the amniotic fluid by the infant is around 0.5 liters. The brain can already exert some basic control over the process of breathing and body temperature regulation. The baby’s kicking is still vigorous, but as the space narrows, it will become less so. The fat layer is still growing thicker. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 38.6 cm and 1150 grams, respectively.
Thirty weeks – Fetal complete development by week
The tiny hairs that cover your newborn are gradually vanishing. When the infant is awake, he keeps his eyes open and is aware of his surroundings. It glances about, however the vision is limited owing to the small area. The uterus isn’t necessarily a gloomy environment. It can see and be seen by the light from your surroundings. This week, the baby’s focus is on brain development. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 39.9 cm and 1320 grams, respectively.
Eightieth month – Fetal complete development by week
Your baby will continue to grow and acquire body fat stores. You could notice that your baby kicks a lot more than usual. Your baby’s brain is quickly growing, and he or she can see and hear. The majority of the body’s internal systems are mature, although the lungs may still be immature.
31 to 35 Week by week in the eightieth month – Fetal complete development by week
Thirty-one weeks
The baby’s five senses are now fully formed. The lungs are the most in need of improvement. The baby’s skin smoothest out and becomes pink as fat accumulates in his body. After you give birth, your kid will remember the music he is listening to today. It’s best to chat and sing to your father since your voice and your father’s voice are clearly distinguishable. According to studies when a newborn hears his parent’s voices, his heart beats quicker. The average length and weight of the infant are currently at 41 cm and 1500 grams, respectively.
Thirty-two weeks
Your infant is rapidly gaining weight. His weight will almost certainly double in the following eight weeks. It is now highly active. He moves, kicks, blinks, looks about, listens to everything that goes on around him, grimaces, and practices breathing (although he does so with amniotic fluid, not air). The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 42.5 cm and 1700 grams, respectively.
Thirty-three weeks
The baby is still growing. There is a lot of amniotic fluid in the uterus during this time. The brain develops at a fast rate. Fat continues to build up as well. It makes my child appear tiny. The lungs have also gone through a lot of growth. And now are completely formed. This week, the alveoli gained a new layer of cells, allowing for regular breathing. The baby’s skull bones are not entirely united. It will make going through the birth canal in the upcoming delivery simpler for me.
If he hasn’t already done so, this will most likely happen this week. The average length and weight of the baby are currently at 43.7 cm and 1920 grams, respectively.
Thirty-four weeks
When your baby sleeps, he closes his eyes and when he wakes up, he keeps them open. The nails have already grown to their maximum length. The hairs that formerly covered the whole body have virtually all vanished. The white cheesy matter (vermin) that had shielded him from the amniotic fluid was now vanishing. The immune system is continually evolving. The infant can only defend itself against a few minor illnesses at this point. So far, it has received all of your antibodies via the placenta.
The bones continue to strengthen and expand. This means you’ll need to increase your calcium intake. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 45 cm and 2140 grams, respectively.
Thirty-five weeks – Fetal complete development by week
Your baby will have less room to move as you grow. The baby’s arms and legs are quickly accumulating fat this week. All of the organs have been present for a long time. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 46 cm and 2380 grams, respectively.
Ninth month – Fetal complete development by week
Your baby’s lungs are almost fully developed. Indicating that he is still growing and maturing. Your baby’s reflexes are synchronized. Allowing him to blink, close his eyes, swivel his head, grab firmly, and react to noises, light, and touch. The baby is unquestionably ready for birth! Due to the restricted area, you may notice that your baby moves less. The position of your baby shifts as he prepares for delivery. The infant is placed in the pelvis. The baby’s head is usually lowered into the delivery canal.
36 to 40 Week by week in the ninth month – Fetal complete development by week
Thirty-six weeks
The baby is almost ready to venture out into the world. Fat is still being stored on the knees, ankles, above the elbows, and neck this week. After delivery, the fat layer will aid the newborn in regulating his body temperature. Although teeth will develop only a few months after birth, the gums are extremely tough. Tilt your head to the side where the source is coming from, when you notice a flash of light or hear a sound. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 47.5 cm and 2620 grams, respectively.
Thirty-seven weeks
Your child has reached full development. All systems and organs are in great working order. From this week on, his development and weight gain will be drastically reduced. The baby will only exercise for life outside till the conclusion of the pregnancy. You may have hiccups since breathing exercises are done with fluid rather than air. His bones haven’t entirely calcified yet. It will make the process of giving delivery easier. Only after delivery will the bones become completely hardened. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 48.5 cm and 2850 grams, respectively.
Thirty-eight weeks
The brain and neurological system of your kid continue to grow even though they are completely formed and ready. They will undoubtedly continue to grow once he is born. A baby’s typical length and weight are now at 50 cm and 3100 grams, respectively.
Thirty-nine weeks
Your baby is perfectly prepared to anticipate the day of his or her birth. His complexion turned white or white-pink from pink or pink-red. This is because of the subcutaneous fat that has accumulated. Because the kid obtains your antibodies through the placenta, he will be protected against several infections after he is born. This isn’t to say you won’t have to maintain things sanitary. The baby’s average length and weight are currently at 50.7 cm and 3290 grams, respectively.
Forty weeks – Fetal complete development by week
Congratulations. You were taken through the entire pregnancy process with this pregnancy. Your baby is completely developed and still in a good position. The baby’s average length is currently at 51.2 cm, and his typical weight is around 3460 grams.
Related – Third trimester – Excellent Tips – All You Need To Know – Week-By-Week
Extra amazing things
- Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the first trimester of pregnancy
- 1 – Although it may appear unusual, you are not pregnant during the first two weeks of your pregnancy
- 2 – Fertilization and implantation timeframes
- 3 – The embryonic stage starts
- 4 – The embryo becomes a fetus for the first time
- 5 – The profile of your baby’s face is already taking shape
- Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the second trimester of pregnancy
- 1- The brain cells of a fetus develop quickly
- 2 – A headset can also be used to hear the fetus’ heartbeat
- 3 – Urinary retention is caused by hormonal changes
- 4 – The baby’s eyelids have matured to the point where he can open his eyes
- 5 – Gum disease and breathing issues
- Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the third trimester of pregnancy
- 1 – It becomes more bigger
- 2 – Breathe slowly and deeply
- 3 – He blinks and opens his eyes
- 4 – Tastes things and urinates
- 5 – He enjoys your voice and listens to it

Fetal complete development by week
Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the first trimester of pregnancy
1 – Although it may appear unusual, you are not pregnant during the first two weeks of your pregnancy
That’s right, you read that correctly. This is why pregnant women frequently miscalculate the week they are in, counting the period when they should have menstruated but did not, or the time when they believe the pregnancy-causing intercourse occurred.
2 – Fertilization and implantation timeframes
Your egg and your partner’s sperm unite in one of the uterus’ two fallopian tubes to generate a single cell, which is the beginning of a series of incredible occurrences. Fertilization is the term for this procedure. There are 46 chromosomes in that initial cell, 23 of yours and 23 of your partner’s. At 40 weeks’ gestation, that single, microscopically visible cell divides again and again, resulting in a new individual made up of more than 2 trillion cells – your lovely female or male baby.
The cell moves to the uterus through the fallopian tube after fertilization. It’s quickly dividing at the same time. The embryo will be formed by the inner group of cells, and the membranes that will feed and protect it will be formed by the outer group of cells. This ball of cells, now known as the blastocyst, arrives in the uterus four to five days after fertilization. The outer group of blastocyst cells will adhere to the uterus’ inner wall, a process known as implantation.
Some women may suffer relatively scant bleeding. When blastocysts implant in the uterine wall. Which is known as implantation bleeding. This is not a reason for concern. And it is frequently misinterpreted as menstruation by some women. The first signs of pregnancy arise (fatigue, tender breasts, nausea, enhanced sense of smell, fever) and a pregnancy test is positive in the laboratory.
3 – The embryonic stage starts
The embryonic brain, spine, heart, and other organs start to develop at 5 weeks. This week, the embryo’s first heartbeat will heard. It is advised that folic acid is taken from the start, preferably before conception. It’s vitamin B9, which, when taken during pregnancy, aids in the appropriate development and closure of your baby’s spinal canal, avoiding 50-70 percent of neural tube anomalies.
Nausea, bloating, vomiting, and morning sickness are all common symptoms. Have 5 or more light meals with smaller but higher-quality food to ease these symptoms. Drink a lot of water. Avoid light foods, spaghetti, and carbonated beverages. Soups, fish, well-cooked meat, well-washed vegetables, ginger, drinks, and water can be substituted.
4 – The embryo becomes a fetus for the first time
Nausea and vomiting may lessen at this time, but stomach acid and headaches may persist. The chance of a miscarriage is getting smaller and lower with each passing day. The infant moves and drinks liquids. The kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver start to function, but they will continue to grow during the pregnancy. The eyelids have developed and the eyes seem closed; they will stay that way until the 26th week of pregnancy. The brain is now developing at a much quicker rate.
5 – The profile of your baby’s face is already taking shape
Your baby’s nails are growing. The profile of your baby’s face is already taking shape. The placenta starts to work and transports nutrients to the fetus as it grows and develops. Reflex motions begin to emerge. Your baby will move if you squeeze your stomach. The first trimester comes to a close at the conclusion of this week.
It’s very vital for your baby to undergo a comprehensive ultrasound screening between 11 and 14 weeks. This test is use to identify babies who have a higher risk of developing chromosomal problems. Nuchal translucency is a little quantity of fluid under the skin behind the baby’s neck. And can be find during that examination, in addition to monitoring the baby’s fundamental anatomy and dimensions. Increased nuchal translucency (greater than 2.5 mm) is linked to a higher incidence of Down syndrome.
This alteration normally goes away after the 14th week. But if examination is missed, data on the likely presence of chromosomal disorder. Which is tragically incurable and is the basis for early pregnancy termination, is lost. The nasal bone, the angle of the baby’s face, and the flow of particular blood arteries of the fetus are also studied in addition to nuchal translucency. A professional gynecologist with a decent ultrasound equipment should do this check.
Fetal complete development by week
Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the second trimester of pregnancy
1 – The brain cells of a fetus develop quickly
Lanugo’s skin becomes covered with microscopic hairs. The baby’s hearing start to advance that he or she can hear sounds from outside. The baby’s eye movements become more prominent after the 23rd week. Taste receptors develop quickly on a baby’s tongue. During this time, the testicles in boys descend from the abdomen. The uterus and ovaries are produced in girls, along with a lifetime supply of eggs. Brain cells grow at a rapid rate. Especially those responsible for thinking, learning and remembering. The skin thickens and the bones grow considerably stronger.
Pregnancy hormones cause your blood vessels to dilate. At the same time, from the beginning of your pregnancy, your blood volume has been quickly increasing. By 34 weeks, it had increased by 45 percent above pre-pregnancy levels. This can result in a decrease in blood pressure, as well as occasional weakness, dizziness, and tachycardia. If you’re having trouble with these issues, drink lots of water and get up carefully after laying or sitting. It is better to lie down if you are feeling weak. Regular laboratory testing and gynecological examinations are necessary.
2 – A headset can also be used to hear the fetus’ heartbeat
On the head of a newborn, hair develops. The infant is roughly 30 cm long and 630 grams in weight. You can see that the infant has a well-developed daily rhythm. With the use of a headset, you can hire the baby’s heard. As it passes through your abdomen, the baby has an orientation! Braxton Nix contractions, which feel like a contraction, pressure, or heaviness in the lower abdomen, may occur at this time. They are generally weak and unreliable, coming and going at random intervals. Consult your gynecologist right away if your contractions are numerous and come at regular intervals, or if blood develops, since this might indicate a preterm birth.
3 – Urinary retention is caused by hormonal changes
Your kid can already make some movements in response to familiar noises, such as your voice. Urine flow is slowed by hormonal changes, although uterine expansion also plays a role. It can exert pressure on the bladder or ureters, which transport pee, causing urination to halt. Both of these variables contribute to urine retention and the risk of bladder and kidney infections. Your baby’s nails have developed at 26 weeks. Surfactant, a chemical that permits the alveoli of the lungs to fill with air and keeps them from collapsing. Begins to be produced by the baby’s lungs.
4 – The baby’s eyelids have matured to the point where he can open his eyes
The neurological system and the lungs of the infant continue to develop. The baby’s eyelids have matured to the point where he can open his eyes, gaze at the uterus, and detect light passing through the abdominal layers. The toddler suckles his thumb and practices swallowing. The baby’s cramps may be seen by some moms as rhythmic motions of his body. He now has a decent chance of surviving if he is born prematurely.
In the second trimester, an ultrasound examination you need to make between the 19th and 21st weeks. During which the gynecologist analyzes the anatomy of the fetus and its organs such as the heart, brain, lungs, stomach, kidneys, waist, and bladder in detail, in addition to fetal growth. The placenta, amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, and cervix length are all checked.
During this test, the fetus may show indications that point to the possibility of Down syndrome or another chromosomal abnormalities. Your gynecologist may prescribe amniocentesis if there is a suspicion of fetal chromosomal illness on ultrasound examination, or if you are over 35, had a prior child with chromosomal disease, or have a family history of such disease.
5 – Gum disease and breathing issues
A covering called vermin cassis has formed around the infant as of this week, protecting the baby’s skin from injury. The uterus and vagina develop in female newborns. More blood travels through your mucous membranes as your circulation improves. The inner lining of the nose and airways swells, reducing airflow and resulting in snoring, shortness of breath, and a stuffy nose. Brushing your teeth causes bleeding from your gums for the same reasons. When you’re pregnant, it’s best to use a gentler toothbrush.
Fetal complete development by week
Extra – 5 pretty amazing things a baby performs in the third trimester of pregnancy
1 – It becomes more bigger
Because the baby’s legs and limbs was already well developed. It is now concentrating on acquiring weight. The baby acquires around 20 grams each week in the last several weeks of pregnancy. When the infant emerges from the womb, the growing fat keeps it warm and, of course, ready to snuggle and cuddle.
2 – Breathe slowly and deeply
The infant obtains all of its oxygen from the umbilical cord and placenta, but it learns to breathe while still in the womb so that it can adjust when it comes out. The baby’s circulatory system changes drastically during birth, allowing it to breathe the same air that we do. That first breath is incredible!
3 – He blinks and opens his eyes
Babies first perceive light in the second trimester of pregnancy, although they can open their eyes and blink around the 28th week. Your kid will most likely open his eyes and wink if you shine a light on his stomach – his first play! Interesting fact: the pigment of unborn infants’ eyes is still growing and will continue to do so even after they are born.
4 – Tastes things and urinates
Through the amniotic fluid, the baby can now taste the things you eat. While you savor your favorite dish, your child is discovering new sensations. Now is the moment to instill in him a liking for greens.
The second half isn’t as delicious, but it’s incredible and vital. Your child has begun to urinate! Swallows a small amount of amniotic fluid, digests it, and then excretes it.
5 – He enjoys your voice and listens to it
It’s possible that your infant has been listening for some time (approximately 18 weeks). The baby’s listening abilities increase in the third trimester of pregnancy, and it can not only listen but also respond. When moms sing “la,” newborns in their tummies open and shut their mouths in time with them, according to research. Don’t be embarrassed: speak, read, and sing to your child. You’ll be doing it together shortly.

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